CSS based Layout- Main

Box 2:


back to main page web design

here comes my floating element

Box 3: Tutorial for building pages with fixed elements.

Phase 1: Structural HTML

1) Create the structural elements using pre-defined elements like h1 and div containers you wish to distribute on the page.

2) Name the containers. I use the name box and give them a number, following the hirarchical logic.

- I usually ad a bit of blind text and one or two empty images to the containers to have a minimum context.

- This example uses h1, box 2, box 3 and a wrapping container see example 1 and table 1 below).

3) Create the wrapping container and do wrap it around box 2 and box 3.

see example 2

This container defines the scroll area and is ONLY needed in layouts with fixed elements.

see example 3

Table 1: Structural HTML and Color - Coding
background-color: #3cf;
<div id="wrapper">
background-color: #cff;
<div id="box2">
background-color: #09f;
<div id="box3">
background-color: #0ff;
Your structural markup looks like this:
<h1 >How to ...</h1>
<div id="wrapper">
	<div id="box2">
	<div id="box3">

Now you have created the structure of your page and it is time for CSS.

Phase 2: CSS

- Use CSS override internal browser settings, set margin, padding and border to 0 for all elements:

* {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	border: 0}

2) Set the font declarations in body, which apply for the whole page. This page uses the following definitions:

body    {
	color:            black;
	background-color: #fff;
	font-size:        100.01%;
	font-family:      Arial, sans-serif;
	font-style:       normal;
	font-weight:      normal;
	text-decoration:  none;}

3 Set IE declarations for body:

* html body {
	width:   100%;
	height:   100%;
	overflow: hidden }

4) Create the CSS ID-styles and set background-colors and borders to set the structural elements apart.

h1, #box1, #wrapper, #box2, #box3{
	background-color: #value;
	border: strength, color, style;}

5) Apply the necessary CSS for the fixed element h1 (Position: absolute is for IE; positon fixed is for the other browsers) and the scroll area:

h1   {
	margin-right:      16px;
	padding:           2%;
	position:          fixed;
	z-index:           3;
	top:               0;
	right:             0;
	left:              0;
	width:             100%;
	height:            auto;}

* html h1 {
	position: absolute }

* html body #wrapper  {
	width:   100%;
	height:   100%;
	overflow: auto }

6) Set padding-top for the wrapping container to make the begin of box 2 and 3 visible when the page is loaded:

/*the wrapper*/
#wrapper     {
	padding-top:       15%; }

7) Box 2 needs a value for width (otherwise it covers 100% of the screen), I want it to float left and I want a padding of 2% for all elements inside the box .

#box2         {
	padding:           2%;
	width:             10%;
	float:             left;}

8) Adjust IE settings and correct 3px: bug of IE. It is simple:

*html div#box3{
	height: 1em }

9) Now you are almost done with the positioning. Adjust margins and paddings for the three boxes according to your wishes with CSS and that is it. Your basic page Layout.

* {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	border: 0}

body    {
	color:           black;
	font-size:        100.01%;
	font-family:      Arial, sans-serif;
	font-style:       normal;
	font-weight:      normal;
	text-decoration:  none;
	background-color: #fff; }

* html body {
	width:   100%;
	height:   100%;
	overflow: hidden }

h1   {
	background-color: #3cf;
	margin-right:      16px;
	padding:           2%;
	position:          fixed;
	z-index:           3;
	top:               0;
	right:             0;
	left:              0;
	width:             100%;
	height:            auto;
	border-bottom:     5px double #009 }

* html h1 {
	position: absolute }

/*the wrapper*/
#wrapper     {
	background-color: #cff;
	padding-top:       15%;
	padding-bottom:    10% }

* html body #wrapper  {
	width:   100%;
	height:   100%;
	overflow: auto }

#box2         {
	background-color: #09f;
	margin-right:      2%;
	padding:           2%;
	width:             10%;
	float:             left;
	border:            dotted 2px #c00 }

#box3     {
	background-color: #0ff;
	padding:           2% 2% 2% 5%;
	border:            dashed 2px #f3570c }

*html div#box3{
	height: 1em }

10) A few extras: I used CSS declarations for letter-spacing in my h elements, pre, p table and td in box 3. You can find these aditional settings in the internal stylesheet.